Lucerne Museums Tour
The international museums day marks the launch of the Lucerne Museums Tour. From May 13th 2018 to April 30th 2019 you can discover something special in every museum and answer a short quizz. The quizz is available at every museum’s reception. If you find the correct answer you get a stamp on your Lucerne Museums Tour card. Once you have collected at least five stamps, you can take part in the raffle on May 1st 2019 and maybe win one of the great prizes.
Participating museums:
- Bourbaki Panorama Lucerne
- Glacier Garden Lucerne
- Hans Erni Museum
- Historic Museum Lucerne
- Arts Museum (Kunstmuseum) Lucerne
- Nature Museum Lucerne
- Richard Wagner Museum
- Rosengart Collection
- Swiss Museum of Transport
from Sunday 13.05.2018 on
Lucerne Museums Tour!
Our regular entrance fees are applied Es gelten die normalen Eintrittspreise und Vergünstigungen in den Museen.
Tip: purchase the Lucerne Museum Card CHF 36/person valid 2 days in a row.