Podium discussion «Humanity in Everyday Life»
The Bourbaki Panorama portrays the internement of 87’000 French soldiers who fled to Switzerland during to winter of 1871. Currently, the topic of flight is more relevant than ever and is being abundantly discussed. The series of events «Humanity in Everyday Life» focussed on asylum seekers in Switzerland during the past two years. This year, the focus lays on the situation in war zones.
The experts Barbara Dietrich, Helvetas program coordinator for Bangladesh, Laos and Myanmar, Gabriela Fuchs, managing director at the Foundation World without Mines and Pierre-Dominique Hool, commanding sector officer at the UN and delegate at the OSCE will report about their daily challenges.
Back to overview06.11.2018
Thuesday, 6pm
In German. The event takes place from 6 to 8pm in the cinema Stattkino located in the Bourbaki Panorama Lucerne.
From 8pm on: aperitivo on the viewing platform of the Bourbaki Panoramas.
8:30pm: end of the event.
Please register at verein@bourbakipanorama.ch or 041 360 84 64.
You receive a confirmation after registering.
Registration deadline:
Monday, October 22 2018.
Price: free admission and voluntary donation. The Foundation World without Mines and Helvetas will be the beneficiaries of the donations.